Race to Express Yourself

Running is not a hobby, but a lifestyle. Grant it I did not have this lifestyle until my senior year in high school. It takes dedication to keep running when your body feels like it is going to collapse, and it takes time to work your way up to run a race. I am not super fast or great at long distances, but I have successfully added running into my life where it has changed me.


Tomorrow my friend Hannah and I will compete in the UnBULLievable Race. It is a fun scavenger hunt like the Amazing Race. We are given a set of clues that take us all across campus in hopes of finishing first and winning a $500 gift card. With the race in mind, I was thinking about how the running culture in America could relate to creativity. Then it hit me – or more like smacked me in the face.

Hannah and I wanted to create team T-shirts and they ended up close to a Pinterest fail. I will post pictures later once they dry. However, it made me consider how people are creative in order to be remembered, to express themselves or to have a statement in the world. (We wanted to look cute.) At races, people have the same motivation. You want to place so you get some glory and have an identity of being good at something. Everyone wants to stand out and release a bit of who she is into the world.

Running has impacted me for the better because I am healthier, but also because it is a way for me to get away from everything. It is fun and challenging. Through realizing this, I see it is the same for creativity. How beautiful it is when you finish a race, but even more so when you make something that might be messy, a little weird and not what you were expecting (may I say T-shirts), but totally your own.

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